Water is a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of all living organisms. According to Wikipedia, it also 
is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering about 70 percent of the planet.

As we all know that, water exists in three states which are the liquid, the solid, and the gaseous states. The liquid state or form which is the water, the solid form which is also the ice while the gaseous state or form is the vapour. Apart from this, the liquid water is found as the Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Pools,...And the Solid is found as the Ice and Snows especially when the temperature is below 0 degree centigrade... Gas is therefore the vapour or steam that flows when water is heated.

The question is, WHY WATER?
According to a Statistical Analysis, Water accounts for approximately two-thirds of the human body and is responsible for the proper functioning of many health systems needed for survival, including the brain.  70% of the earth is water - but less than 1% is drinkable. Sadly, 9 million people will die this year from lack of access to clean water 

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