Lemon is a class of plant that is so unique from every other citrus plants because of its many medicinal properties ranging from its leaves, fruits and juice. It is so unique because its medicinal properties have been scientifically proven over and over with results being achieved.
Properties and Indications
Fresh Juice: Due to its high acidity, lemons are not usually eaten as fruits. It’s only the juice that is consumed. The juice has great medicinal value which is an excellent remedy for scurvy. Scurvy is a disease that is caused by lack of Vitamin C otherwise known as the ascorbic acid. This is solely due to diets that is poor in fruits and vegetables. In combatting, infections, Lemon improves the body’s immune system’s ability to fight and resist all kinds of infections be it viral or bacterial.
Due to its accompanying substances or phytochemicals, lemon also performs some roles as:
  • Antioxidants
  • Protecting the capillaries especially when it comes to circulatory disorders: It strengthens the walls of the capillary and improves the elasticity of arteries and reduce the blood’s tendency to excessive clothing.
  • Detoxification and Anticarcinogens effect:  Lemon is very effective in the elimination of waste products that are generated consistently from the body which must be gotten rid off from the urine. These waste products when not eliminated are deposited in the joints causing arthritis and rheumatic pains. The Peel of Lemon contains an aromatic terpene has so much effect in neutralizing certain carcinogens.
As a result, Lemon juice and rind improves blood circulation or fluidity as it prevents thrombosis; its applications derive from its direct effect on the blood systems are that, it improves iron absorption and also facilitates the elimination of toxins from the blood.
Besides, lemons are also good for heart problems, hypertension, hemorrhoids, stroke just to mention but a few. It also cleanses and re-invigourate the system. Not only these, lemon treatment is so effective in the process of dissolving Kidney stones.
Lemon therapy is very capable of rejuvenating the body system and getting rid of all toxins and waste products in the body. This is also indispensable in treating cancer. The therapy is conducted over a two week period. The first day, one takes the juice of one lemon especially one-half hour before breakfast. On consequent days, one lemon is added everyday up to seven lemons. From that point, you reverse the order back down to one lemon on the last day.
More importantly, patients with low calcium, anemia and renal failure should not venture into lemon therapy. This is because large amounts of lemons are not recommended for them in their conditions.
Lemon rind is good in treating, typhoid, loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation. This is also a good treatment in expelling worms.

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